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Compliments Form
Compliments Form
Title: *
Please Select
Please Select
First name: *
Surname: *
Address line 1: *
Address line 2:
Town/City: *
Postcode: *
Phone: *
Email: *
Are you currently a BCHA tenant? *
If no, please can you let us know how you have had contact with BCHA: *
Please let us know who / what your compliment relates to *
Please Select
Please Select
Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them
Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them
Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect
The positive impact BCHA has had in your community or neighbourhood
A specific member of staff who works for BCHA
A BCHA service you have received
The quality or condition of your home
The effective handling of a complaint or issue you had relating to a BCHA service
The maintenance of building safety and communal areas
The handling and resolution to anti-social behaviours or problems relating to this
Please enter the staff's name: *
Please share with us the details of your experience and what went well: *
Can we contact you to discuss the feedback or comments you have left today? *
Can we display this feedback anonymously on our website, social media and Tenant Talk Magazine to share the great work the organisation is doing? Please note this will not include any of your personal details. *
Please ensure this form is
fully completed and signed
, as we may be unable to proceed without the information. Once received, we will contact you to arrange enrolment. *
By signing this document, I agree with
BCHA’s Privacy Notice
and give consent for BCHA to share any of the above information with third parties if a risk is disclosed and that we may give details to the referrer regarding your attendance at the course/s referred for. If a referral partner has completed this form, then consent must be agreed prior to the form being shared with BCHA Learn. *
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