If you, or someone you know, are trapped in an abusive situation, you will be experiencing fear of your own safety and that of your children. At BCHA we work hard to help survivors of domestic abuse and human trafficking escape and recover from the traumatic situations they have experienced, and to help them stay safe. When working with survivors of abuse, we recognise the importance of offering a place of safety as well as vital support to overcome emotional trauma. Combined, these can help begin the slow process of rebuilding confidence and self-esteem. 

BCHA runs a number of services for people who need support to stay safe. These services include:

  • Support for survivors of trafficking

  • Support in the community for survivors of domestic abuse

  • Safe houses and refuges

  • Support for people experiencing anti-social behaviour

Click below for more information on our range of support services.

A man and a woman baking together at a work station.
A man and a woman baking together at a work station.

Useful Contacts

Get in touch for support

If you are not safe now, call 999 and ask for the police

National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24 hour)

Rape Crisis: 01202 308855

Non-Emergency Police and Specialist Domestic Abuse Officers: 101

National Victim Support: 0845 30 30 900

Women's Aid Domestic Abuse Directory: https://www.womensaid.org.uk/domestic-abuse-directory/


BCHA local contact

For support or accommodation, call our 24-hour helpline: 01202 710777

Anti-Social Behaviour

Everyone has the right to live peacefully and safely in their home and community. Anti-social behaviour (ASB) can have a serious impact on this, which is why BCHA is fully committed to resolving problems of ASB, with your help. 

If you need support in dealing with anti-social behviour click below for more information.


BCHA delivers a range of services and housing to a variety of customers across a wide geographical area including to those with a range of support needs. We are committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of anyone using our services.

For more information about our safeguarding procedure click below.

Privacy Policy

The privacy and security of your personal information is important to us. Any contact with us generates records, which may include personal information which is subject to data protection legislation. BCHA follows UK legislation in how it stores and uses any data collected from individuals. Click the button below to learn more.