BCHA delivers a range of services and housing to a variety of customers across a wide geographical area including people who may have needs for care and support. We are committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of everyone using our services.
BCHA is committed to ensuring children, young people and adults are protected from harm and abuse and that there is a constant focus on wellbeing.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and that we all have the right to live our lives free from abuse and neglect.
To ensure we are doing our best and that there is a constant focus on safeguarding in everything that we do, the Head of Quality and Safeguarding is an integral part of our Senior Leadership Team. We also have a Board Safeguarding Lead. All staff attend in person training with additional bespoke safeguarding training delivered to each of our managers.
For more information about our safeguarding policies and procedures, please read the following policies:
If you have any concerns about the immediate safety of our customers, and / or their experience of abuse and neglect, please contact Customer Services or fill out our Feedback Form.
Contact Us
Contact our Customer Services
Call: 01202 410500
Email: customerservices@bcha.org.uk
Write to: The Factory, 14 Alder Hills, Poole, BH12 4AS
Anti-Social Behaviour
Everyone has the right to live peacefully and safely in their home and community. Anti-social behaviour (ASB) can have a serious impact on this, which is why BCHA is fully committed to resolving problems of ASB, with your help.
If you need support in dealing with anti-social behaviour click the button below for more information or contact us.
Contact Us
Contact us about ASB
If you are a BCHA resident, please contact your local Tenancy Officer.
If you are not a BCHA resident, please contact our customer services:
Call: 01202 410 500
Email: customerservices@bcha.org.uk
Privacy Policy
The privacy and security of your personal information is important to us. Any contact with us generates records, which may include personal information which is subject to data protection legislation. BCHA follows UK legislation in how it stores and uses any data collected from individuals. Click the button below to learn more.