Annual Impact Report
Our annual report shows how we have been responsive to needs and changes to how we serve and support our customers and each other.
Value for Money
Our annual statement shows our journey to achieve value for money. This report also includes information on directors’ remuneration and management costs.
Financial Statement
Our annual accounts provide a financial review of our activities and outcomes over the past year during an increasingly challenging environment.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
Our annual report measures how well we are providing good quality homes and services, as required by the Regulator of Social Housing.
Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion strategy shows our commitment and responsibility to combat all forms of prejudice at BCHA.
Compensation for Service Users
BCHA aims to deliver services to stated standards, where we do not meet these standards BCHA will consider paying compensation to customers.
Gender Pay Gap Report
Our Gender Pay Gap Report shows that our disparity is below the national average and we are committed to creating greater equality for all genders.
Tenant Satisfaction Measures
The Tenant Satisfaction Measures and surveys were introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) to assess how well social housing landlords in England are providing good quality homes and services.
From 7 June 2023 - 23 February 2024, Acuity Research, delivered quarterly surveys to 311 customers by phone and a further 18 were carried out face-to-face. To view the results of our surveys, please read our leaflet. For more details on our survey sample and questions, please read our Tenant Satisfaction Measures Summary.